Friday, August 22, 2014


My Achilles heal to writing has always been reading. My to read list is so long that I could probably do nothing else for the rest of my life and never reach the end of the list, not mentioning all the ones that I will find in the future. I often find that my biggest hurdle to writing is my reading. I'll get really caught up in a good book then the next thing I know the rest of the day has gone by. While that is the kind of writer I want to be it can make writing for myself difficult.

I think that this is a struggle for many writers. We want to keep reading because it is usually a love of reading that leads to the love of writing. However, scheduling it is our main problem. I know that for myself I always have a book with me. I take a book to the restroom with me, I have one in my purse at all times, I take a book with me to bed. My parents used to get mad at me because I would want to take books into stores with me. To me it's the same as having a puzzle book in my purse, it's an awesome way to pass the time. Now I've also added a notebook, but I find that I'm drawn more to my book than the notebook. I'm hanging in suspense from page one till the end, even if I can guess what comes next I still want to know.

I know that the key to success for a writer is making the time to write. I find that scheduling my day is one of my weaker points. I want to do it and I start trying to plan out my days, but after a day or two I find myself failing miserably. I know that organization is the key and I seem to be able to organize everything else except for my life. For some reason it is really hard compared to everything else. I can organize paperwork, things, even people but to organize my time, even with setting timers, seems to not work very well. I haven't given up yet, but I have yet to find something that works for me.

I know that it's habit. I need to change my old habits by creating new ones, however I have problems creating new ones. I'll start with the best intentions, but I will end up feeling like a failure even though I know that it is a common problem. If I find a magic cure all I will let you know, but I'm still searching for mine.

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