Today was Memorial Day, a day to remember the men and women who have given their lives while in the service of our country's military. As a child my grandfather pressed upon me the importance of the military in our nation's history and with that a respect for all who have served in the military. None who have served our great nation deserve respect more than those who gave their lives while in the service of it's military. Many men and women have given their lives during our country's short history in order to secure our way of life for generations to come.
My grandfather was a proud man who always saw the good in our country and believed wholeheartedly in the ideal that is America. The ideal that all people no matter their gender, race, age, or any other identifying factors are created equal. That each of us has gifts that we can use to better ourselves and the world. That with hard work and determination you can better your place in the world. My grandfather served in World War II, lived thru the depression, fought for everything he had, and was grateful that we live in a country where you had the opportunity to better your lot in life. From him I learned that loyalty to not only your friends but also other Americans was a good trait to have. I learned that honesty might hurt, but that it was always for the best.