Monday, April 27, 2015

Introvert or Extrovert... That is the Question

I know that most of us have been asked once or twice in our lives if we're introverts or extroverts. This is a question that many extroverts don't really understand. The world today is focused on extroversion and unless you're really in introvert you don't understand this at all. As an introvert that has worked really hard to figure this out, maybe I can help.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

From Coast to Coast

I had a conversation at the grocery store today that gave me the idea for this post. I overheard someone at the checkout saying that they grew up around here (North Carolina) but that they're now living in California. Seeing as I grew up in California and now live around here I couldn't help commenting on how ironic that was. The person I overheard then asked me which I liked better, California or North Carolina, and the only response I could really give him was to shrug.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hurry up and Wait

One thing that I have always found to be true no matter where you are is that they expect you to hurry up and wait. Whether it is at work, in the store or on the road that it has become the motto of our times. At work you're supposed to hurry up and finish your job so that you can wait on someone else to finish theirs. At the store you're supposed to hurry up and get in line so you can wait to be checked out. Driving down the road you're supposed to hurry up and get to the next signal light or stop sign so you can wait your turn.

Friday, April 24, 2015

365 Days of Writing Challenge

This challenge is simple and personal. I am challenging myself to write something, anything, every day for a year. They say that if you do something every day for a week it is much easier to continue doing it. We will see how this experiment goes.

My goal is a whole year, three hundred and sixty-five days, of writing. I always have a ton of ideas floating around in my head, but it seems that I never end up putting them down anywhere. I also seem to always get interrupted by things going on in life. My new goal in dealing with this is I'm going to blog about it. So, not only are you going to get works of literature and writings about my ideas you will also end up getting writings about my everyday life.